Vivanterre is a natural wine produced in the Auvergne region of France by Patrick Bouju and Justine Loiseau, and founded by fashion designers Rosie and Max Assoulin, with the support of renowned sommelier Cedric Nicaise.



"We wanted to work with wonderful people and create something new together. Rosie and I know what it means to collaborate, and we wanted our next project to be a wider collaboration."

A mutual friend introduced them to Patrick Bouju and Justine Loiseau of Domaine La Bohème, a winery in the Auvergne region of France that’s risen to cult status for its “experimental” biodynamic wines, and Vivanterre—a riff on the French words for “living earth”—was born. 

While conventional wine might have sulfites, charcoal, sugar, or stabilizers added to adjust the flavor, a natural wine should have as little intervention as possible. (For the record, it’s impossible to drink a wine with zero sulfites, as they’re naturally occurring in small percentages.)

Ideally, a natural wine should also be made from organically and biodynamically harvested grapes, though that isn’t always the case.

Vivanterre checks all of those boxes:

“To me, the most important thing was that the wine was made with care for the whole ecosystem,” Nicaise says. “You see some vineyards where they only care about making perfect grapes that make ‘perfect’ wine, and Patrick doesn’t do that. He makes sure there is biodiversity, that there’s other plants growing alongside the vines.

There’s nothing added, nothing taken away, and, most importantly, the wine tastes good. I couldn’t be happier with the final product.”


We hope you enjoy Vivanterre as much as we do.