Francesco Annesanti says that his soul is in his wine. Francesco’s cantina is in a rural part of Umbria where there are no other vines for miles in any direction. He farms no official appellation, simply making “Umbrian” wine. His land, although rich with life and having a high percentage of clay, is largely flat. Although atypical, its obvious that the land is special as soon as his wines are experienced.

Francesco quite literally does everything himself, from farming right down to personally dipping each bottle in wax and hand labeling. His terracotta amphorae were custom made to support the miniscule quantities that he works with. 

There are truly only a handful of growers spread across the EU working at this meticulous level of ownership with each aspect of their operation.

As rustic as his methods are, there is a delicacy and liveliness in his wines, giving drinkers a glimpse into the quality that wines had during the Roman Empire. 

Although quantities are always small because Francesco’s wines are in demand (and some cuvees see only 600 bottles made each year), we’re proud to have introduced Francesco and his wines to Norway.


"I will be satisfied only when, by opening a bottle of my wine, I will be able to smell the scent that the earth gives off in spring, at sunset." - Francesco